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complexkinseynumber · 2 days ago
I need every technical person to understand, like down into your bones understand, one very important thing:
teaching something is *so much harder* than knowing the thing. Just because you understand hierarchical filesystems or git or grub or rust or whatever does not in any way mean your explanation of those things is worth anything.
I’m sorry to have to break this to you. It hurt me when I realized it, but knowing cool stuff is infinitely less valuable than being able to *communicate* cool shit, and that’s a skill many of us do not get any training (formal or otherwise) in!
today was the day we finalized the migration of essential software at work from some old and busted shit that was ready to die at any time, to the new cloud version of the same software that we are no longer responsible for maintaining. which is good because no one was actually maintaining ours. it's just been slowly crufting into unusability for a decade. so anyway they set aside an hour for a teams meeting where they'd walk us through the different interface and how to go through normal processes.
"it's not that big a change," they said. "it's all the same stuff, it just looks a little different," they said.
they did not account for the fact that the primary user of this software is someone who doesn't actually know how it works or what it's doing. they learned how to do their job entirely through rote memorization. they know which buttons they are supposed to press in which order, and that is the full extent of what they know. they also did not account for the fact that this person's processes were learned thirdhand from other people who were not using this software normally to begin with.
it's like. imagine if someone had only ever used tumblr in the app. and you try to get them to use it in a desktop browser, but they cannot figure out how to post. and you go through explaining where the button is and how to format text and add tags, even though you could have sworn it was all the same in the app. but then they're like, "okay, but what's the phone number" and you're like "what" and they're like "the phone number to call to make a post?" and it turns out somehow they still had the ability to post by calling a phone number, and every time they posted on the app they called the post in first and then edited the audio post to transcribe it into text before screenshotting the text for a photo post. and nothing you can say to them will make them understand that none of that is necessary or correct. they shouldn't have even been able to do some of that. they can just type into the post box now, like a civilized person. "okay," they say, "but what is the phone number, though? because when i made my account my friend gave me this checklist and the first thing on it is to call the number."
so anyway we were on that teams call for almost three hours and they still don't have a handle on the new software
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arciam · 24 hours ago
Underrated JayVik moments/lines (16/∞)
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"I suppose your legacy has been well-secured."
How is this a JayVik line? At first and even second glance it isn't, but bear with me for a moment.
What this line does do initially - seeing as it's said in response to Heimerdinger stating he never contemplates his own death - is tell us how important the idea of "legacy", of leaving something good behind to be remembered by, is to Viktor.
This is not a novel idea; I've seen multiple posts talking about the tragedy that is Viktor, in the end, leaving no legacy at all (if he's lucky, that is - otherwise there would only be the tale of that one time a metal maniac threatened to end all of humanity) because all of his accomplishments and good intentions vanish with him and Jayce.
And yes, that sure is one - very bleak - way to look at it.
However, fortunately that's not all there is to his story.
Because if you think about it for a moment - think about Viktor's motivations throughout the show -, there are two additional driving forces that contribute to this desire to leave a legacy, apart from his desire to help and his strong moral compass:
Loneliness and a damaged self-image.
People suffering from both often end up believing they will only ever be as good, as desirable, as lovable as the good they do for others. They wish to be remembered in death because they can't imagine feeling treasured in life.
I think for someone like Viktor - having placed all of his capacity to make a difference in the world on his "gifted mind" rather than his value as a person -, to be loved unconditionally for who he is may have been so grand an idea that changing the world honestly seemed more attainable to him.
Yet as I pointed out in part 4, even after ostensibly achieving what he thought he wanted in the commune ("an immaculate physique, community, the ability to help people and 'make the world a better place' - a perfect legacy"), from the way he speaks to Jayce and goes on to think and act after facing rejection by him, you absolutely get the sense that there is something vital missing from the picture here.
And it's scarcely even new information at that point, really, as we already learned this a lot earlier by how - when faced with the loss of both love and legacy - it wasn't the threat of losing legacy which Viktor's mind got stuck on:
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"Jayce will understand."
It's almost as if... oh I don't know, as if Viktor had thought what he wanted was to bring magic to the world, but ultimately...
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"I thought I wanted us to give magic to the world... Now, all I want is my partner back."
Jayce, same as Viktor, had big dreams of making a difference in the world since childhood, which - while definitely also driven by a strong desire to help people - is proven here to be equally rooted in the very elementary human desire to connect with someone. For someone to understand him and share his dreams ("our HexTech dream").
He found, and was found by, that someone in Viktor. The fact that the very catalyst of Jayce's dreams - the mage - turns out to literally have been Viktor all along only serves to emphasise this point.
And here, at the end of everything they've endured, Jayce concludes that maybe, to love and to be loved in kind can be enough. Can be everything. Can be all he wants.
I like to believe that Viktor came to that same realisation about himself in those final moments of perfect connection they shared.
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Part 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
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goober-dyke · 2 days ago
Cherryhaven Manor is the name of a fiefdom my vassals and I are working on putting together. Apparently a significant number of abandoned schools are cheaper to purchase than a house. My harem will consist of 20-30 members, or more if we can make it work. We're already at 7.
The school we're looking at getting right now is about 2 acres of land with 30k sqft in the middle of a suburb. It's looking at costing anywhere from $540k to $560k after renovations, assuming inspection goes well and there are no major renovation needed to get the building up to code. Obv it will need basic renovations for making it livable.
Most vassals will share quarters rather than having their own rooms, but there are private rooms to sign out if you want one. This also includes communal showers for the bathrooms (with stalls). It's a school so it already has a huge kitchen and cafeteria, which is important so everyone can get fed!
Importantly, this is basically a kink co-op. Very few members of the fiefdom will be working at normal jobs outside the manor. Instead, they provide value by providing a skill to the manor. Whether that's chemistry (free E, woot!), a seamstress so we can make high-quality clothes that for the theme of the manor, maids to clean and service, etc.
I, as Princess, rule as the Sovereign. Everyone there has, by definition of being a vassal, sworn an oath of loyalty to me. As such, everyone serves under me, and is my belonging. Vassals hand over their rights as people to me in return for a place in the fiefdom. I'm working on writing a charter as well, it's 1500 words rn, with 600 being about consent.
Most of us are transfem, but we have cissies too! That's why it's Cherryhaven. It's a safe haven for us as american trans peeps.
It's basically a dream living scenario for most of the members, we're all pretty excited :D
Applications are welcome to any who wish to send one in~ I'm gay though so men need not apply. All women and enbies invited tho :3
Dreamt i was in some kinda communal living situation and I could live off of being requested to do favors and help people out on projects and such and that was enough. I had a walkietalkie and people would just ask me throughout the day to be a helping hand on various tasks and it was never something where I was expected to be specialized enough to not need guidance but i was appreciated for it. It was worthy of praise and my needs were taken care of because I was contributing and. Wow that's pathetic, but i yearn for it so bad. Im not built to survive in this landscape im in. It was so nice. Being appreciated for what I could do. Im literally crying at 4 am after waking up from that.
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thedaddycomplex · 2 days ago
Hi, I was wondering which is better: Self-publishing or going through an actual publishing company like penguin house, etc. For some context, I've been set on self-publishing on kdp, mostly because I don't want a company to turn down my manuscript that I worked so very hard on AND think is very good writing. I also don't want to be the "Face of the book" if you will, and I am currently using a pen name. I want to get the best value out of my book, so I kinda want to do this right. Advice?
Well, I can't really answer which is "better" because that depends entirely on your ultimate goal. So, let me break down the advantages and disadvantages of both self-publishing and traditional publishing and you can see which sings to you.
Self-publishing is a good way to go if you want complete control over the process — editing, cover design, marketing. This works well if your ultimate goal is simply to have a printed book (or e-book) untouched by anyone but you.
It is not a good way to go, however, if you hope to make any money or have a new career. While all of us can point to the handful of authors who've made tons of money self-publishing (Andy Weir, for example), they are the exception, not the rule, and they all spent years building an audience online before they had their success story.
Also, as a self-published author, you are your own communications team, marketing team, PR team, etc. You basically have to take on multiple extra full-time jobs for no pay. [In that way, I guess you do get a new career(s).]
Traditional publishing comes with communications, marketing, design and, most important, editing baked in. And it comes with an advance, so out of the gate there's money. (Note: You do have to pay back the advance, but it comes out of your sales, not your pocket.) Plus, they have their own distribution channels set up. All you really have to do is write, do some self-promotion on social media, and get on the phone for the occasional press interview.
The obvious downside with traditional publishing is breaking in. It is a long process of putting yourself out there for a series of rejections and there's no guarantee you'll ever actually break in. To do so takes a magic blend of talent, persistence, timing, and luck.
If you want to avoid getting turned down by a company, it sounds like your choice is already made. However, I would strongly urge you to send your book out to publishers and agents anyway. If you get rejected, ask why. If you disagree with their reason, fine, move onto the next one. If you can see their point, however, consider it a note that can improve your book.
I love that self-publishing exists and it is a fantastic way for authors to get their work out into the world. But, personally, I prefer trad publishing. It allows me to focus almost solely on the writing. And I wholeheartedly believe that a good editor makes a writer's work better.
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goomyloid · 22 hours ago
"when noelle finds out kris hasn't been 'kris' this whole time, how will she feel when she realizes she's been reconnecting with someone completely different?"
this sentiment i've seen a lot is an interesting thought but it never actually clicked with me all that much for some reason, and i wasnt sure why or how to put it into words until somewhat recently.
like, i guess i think about it in similar terms to kris's relationship with susie; i think it's unfair to say that kris and susie aren't really friends or something just because that person is 'not kris.' at least by this point, they clearly enjoy being around each other, it's a two-way street. kris is still there, and is always there... on a normal route. that's when our role (so far) amounts to merely 'opening up opportunities' for kris, i.e. giving them a reason to go on Epic Adventures (with the goal of closing dark fountains) all while winning battles with the Power Of Friendship, etc.
sure, we control their specific movements, which will always feel limiting to them (which leads into my assumption that no matter what we do, kris will always hold some level of resentment towards us -- no matter how luxurious the prison cell is, you will always be trapped).
all of this is my long-winded way of explaining that when the two work in harmony, the boundary between kris and the player becomes less distinct. that's why the separation between the two didn't feel as important in chapter 1, where there wasn't really an opportunity for things to go 'wrong,' so to speak. so if we follow the path of least resistance -- how the story 'should' go -- then i think it's fair to say that at least SO FAR, kris is still there, working with us when they have to, not shutting anything out in particular, becoming real friends with susie, and reconnecting with noelle.
the time they spent together in cyber city wasn't 'fake' -- kris is still there, emoting, our voice going through their mouth, they're having fun with noelle (i always think of kris saying "Nooooo" when noelle asks if they need a dog treat, they had no reason to actually howl like that, i swear to god they're just enjoying being a little goofy like old times)
(there's also plenty of other examples of our prompts (presumably) coming out of kris's own mouth in their own voice, they're just in control of HOW it comes out, i.e. yelling "NO" or barely muttering "yes" after spamton neo. but this post aint about that so im moving on)
all of this is the normal route, of course. i dont think i need to explain how much this differs in the weird route, lol. we force kris down a path they Very Much Most Likely Don't Particularly Want to Go Down, but we make them. they dont want to say Proceed, but they have to, which is when that voice comes out as US, not them. from the soul or something, probably, a voice beaming commands into noelle's mind regardless of whether or not kris actually says anything out loud, hence noelle still hearing us even when kris is down in battle.
this disharmony is what manifests as friction between kris and the player, and while we dont Really know what all is happening inside kris's head, i sort of always imagined it as kris closing off/almost going dormant, as some form of protest maybe, maybe to at least communicate to noelle -- the only one who can see something's wrong, not just different -- that this isn't them, it's something else. kris wouldn't do this, and she knows this. that's why when it's all over and berdly has been ice'd, all we know is that they "look kinda..." out of it, distraught, barely there, maybe. i heart dissociation and all that
basically, the split between kris and the player (in my own probably-not-end-all-be-all-correct interpretation of the story thus far) becomes more rigid only when our interests conflict, and the more we work together, the less reason kris has to dissociate, for lack of a better term, and the 'kris' that susie comes to know and noelle comes to reconnect with isn't exactly the wrong 'kris' at all. sure, they're being controlled but that doesn't mean they aren't still THERE.
and if the story continues down along the path of us micro-managing everyone's goals into fruition (noelle getting close to susie comes to mind), kris will still work against us in some ways no matter what we do, but finding some kind of 'happier path/ending' is probably far closer to what they want rather than Manipulating Their Childhood Friend into Killing Their Classmate. just a hunch
anyway the TLDR is i don't really know if the initial question will end up being a problem in the same way that everyone thinks it will, on a normal route. sure, they'll all be shocked and maybe horrified to find out kris is being controlled and whatnot, but that doesn't make the time they spent together any less real, because despite it all, kris was still there.
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 days ago
Richonne in Retrospect - The 💋 List
(every Richonne kiss ranked)
#5: The 'Come On' Kiss (1.03)
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✨Top 5!✨ Let me tell you, this kiss is yearning personified and I'm so glad a golden Richonne scene like this exists. This is a top-tier kiss even without context, but the context then makes it even more special. And I figured it'd be fitting to call this the 'Come On' kiss because even before Michonne seductively beckons Rick to come with her, this kiss was her communicating "come on." And y'all, Rick was kissing her like he was expressing "I very much want to." 😋 ...
During this episode, Rick and Michonne had a substantial wedge between them with their different approaches to breaking away from the CRM. Rick was convinced only Michonne could leave and Michonne was determined to not leave without him. Michonne was so understandably hurt by Rick's getaway plan and she didn't say a word to him when they talked privately after she chose not to leave. They didn't talk in Pearl's presence either, and it was hard seeing Richonne's relationship have some strain. So when they have this barely-private moment behind a boneless tree, it was going to be very interesting how they interacted. And of course, they interact in a way that further proves their magnets. 🧲
Even in the midst of conflict, being that close to each other means they're pretty much bound to lean in and kiss. But not just any kiss - no they bring all the passion in the world to this kiss. I love how all they have to do is look into each other's eyes and know they both want to connect in this way. The way Rick just completely leans into the kiss and the way they then ground themselves so that they can rev up the passion during part two of the kiss.
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That moment when Michonne grabs his hair and Rick looks like he's damn near about to get on top of her right then and there - I love how the Richonne bubble is so strong that they really can get immersed in a moment like this no matter the circumstances or who may be around. This scene might also be supporting evidence of the theory that a healthy dose of stressing your man out seems to draw them in even more. Because as stressed as "Dana" was making Rick during this time, he still couldn't keep himself from leaning into Michonne's irresistible allure.
And it's meaningful for them to have this kiss that's bursting with passion and love amid all their conflict because it communicates clearly that they don't want to be mad at each other or divided - what they want most of all is each other. And then of course the moment after is great with Michonne perfectly delivering that persuasive "Come on" and Rick truly having a hypnotic reaction to his wife. I love that their signature forehead touch makes an appearance after this kiss too.
While it's sad that they still aren't entirely on the same page during this scene, I find this kiss to be quite an important moment of communication. Shortly after this, Rick is about to try and "break up" with Michonne out of fear, so I think having this kiss just moments before - where Rick was for a brief moment being his authentic self - helped Michonne know that the real Rick is still in there and still wants to be with her even if his words are trying to suggest otherwise. The way Rick and Michonne both kissed each other all out in the open by these trees left zero question that the two are still utterly and unabashedly in love. ♥️
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brattyfemmebaby · 4 hours ago
hearing people talk about butches on tiktok reminds me that we’ve lost the plot. people are constantly falling all over themselves berating femmes for their alleged failure to “treat that butch like a princess like a girly pop feminine woman!” it’s soooo fascinating how often people jump to remind tme butches how ok it is to be feminine.
i VERY rarely see folks affirm a butch’s masculinity or gender or chosen gender roles, especially young people. all butches all have unique relationships with masculinity and gender but if you believe the lesbians on tiktok butch has come to mean effectively the same thing as masc, simply an aesthetic choice with no deeper relation to gender, sexuality, gender roles, community roles, etc
frankly they completely disregard the existence of tma butches and i promise they would not have the same opinion on treatment deserved by butch trans women
over the past 5 years, every single butch and femme lecture i’ve given has had increasing numbers of participants asking “questions” about how reductive the butch identity is or standing up to inform me that butches deserve to be treated like “princesses” or “just like girls” or reminding me that “well really they’re feminine inside” and i get to stand there watching 90% of the butches in the audience crumble or get embarrassed and begrudgingly agree. then i sigh and explain for the 5th time that this strange bioessentialist take is not actually humanizing butches and that maybe, just maybe, each butch has unique preferences for how partners treat them and unique butch identities and then i ask them to reflect if they’d bring the same “princesses treatment” to a butch trans woman - shocking no one, they fall silent.
it’s so important to dig into the history and the depth of butch identity and not reduce such a rich and complex gender to “girl that wears boy clothes” because that is so far from what Butch is
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blossomthepinkbunny · 18 hours ago
I've talked before about queer representation in Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, but there are some points I wanted to add, that I haven't really mentioned previously. These are just some things I noticed, that make the LGBTQIA+ representation more shallow than before. Especially after the pride artwork came out for Helluva Boss. (Just my opinion, if you feel represented by these shows, great, all the more power to you)
1. As far as the audience is aware, there are almost no characters that have secondary identities. The only exceptions are Sally Mae (who is Trans and Lesbian) and Alastor (who is Aromantic and Asexual). Everyone else either has one sexuality (Gay, Pansexual, Bisexual etc.) or very rarely is simply Asexual. This kinda fits to more heteronormative thinking, that a person is either one thing or the other. There are no other characters that are genderqueer and have a sexual identity, no characters that are Ace/Aro and have another identity. This also leads into my second point.
(Quick correction, someone pointed out to me, that Alastor is canonically actually only Asexual, not Aro. I lost the question however, so I'll just add that here. That means that Sally Mae is actually the only character with a secondary identity and that there is not a single Aro character in either show. So not an improvement at all really.)
2. There are almost no characters who are genderqueer. Sally Mae as the exception again and some background imps I guess. Sally Mae is the only real character however, in both shows at that (and she just barely passes as a character). No Genderfluid, Genderqueer, Non-binary, Intersex, Bigender, Agender, Pangender, Demigirl/boy character or anything like that. I'm not saying all of these should be represented in the main cast or something, but there is no effort at all to include them in any way. Not even in the pride artwork that has a bunch of background imps present. I'm actually kinda confused by one thing. I remember that when the Hazbin pilot first came out, Angel Dust was mostly considered to be pangender or at least also use female pronouns too. I'm not sure if that's something that was changed over time or if I'm just remembering stuff wrong, however it would be kinda disappointing if they erased that part of his character to make him more appealing to general viewers. The trans umbrella is such an important part of the queer community, it's really bothering me that there is not a single (atleast slightly) relevant character in either HB or HH (that isn't Sally Mae).
3. The lack of Sapphic representation is so annoying. Before any of you start to point at Chaggie immediately, I recognise them as a sapphic couple and actually started to quite enjoy them in the past time. That's mostly just my headcannon version of them though. In the actual show they are really undermined and don't have nearly enough content to be considered a stand out pair or the main relationship. I'm actually really excited for the next season, since it has been revealed that they will have a smexy song and some more romantic content. But now onto the rest of queer women in these shows. Martha and Mayberry don't really count to me. They were pretty much just fanservice and only appeared as a couple in one quick scene. Apart from those two examples (one example if you don't consider the minimal presence of Martha and Mayberry). Most of the queer women in the show aren't allowed to be in relationships with other women. Either they are with a man (which of course isn't wrong in theory) or just single. Barbie Wire, Verosika, Sally Mae, Beelzebub and Loona are all confirmed to be queer, but none of them have a girlfriend/partner. When comparing this to the queer male characters that are present in these shows, these almost always have a relationship or end up in one. Also Vaggie and Sally Mae are the only Lesbians and that's just kinda embarrassing. None of these women even get to show affection towards other women. The closest we get (if I remember correctly) is Millie calling Verosika hot or something and Millie is literally the only main cast character that was confirmed to be straight by the pride artwork. As a queer woman I just wish there was more representation for us. This topic is also heavily tied into some of the underlying sexism present in the shows, but that's a topic for another day.
4. A lot of the queer/kink/fetish scene is used as shock humor rather than genuine representation. It's often something to laugh at or be shocked by, because hell is just so raunchy and crazy and wild or something. The episode Ozzie's is a good example for that. Millie and Moxxie go to a sex club in the lust ring that is owned by the one and only ruling sex demon in all of hell. Yet they are put off by the people there wanting them to be lustful and Ozzie and his staff are presented as deviants, who also bully the main couples in the show. It's good that in the end these sex crazed deviants are defeated through a song of real love. In Hazbin Hotel this is a lot more prevalent too, with Charlie almost always being uncomfortable around anything sexual. Her and Vaggie have a really chaste relationship too. They don't make out or even really cuddle (I'm aware that this will change in season two if the leaked information holds up). If I recall correctly, any sexual scene in the first season is either to make the audience see how perverted and unconventional the inhabitants of hell are (like the club scene where Sir Pentious is literally assaulted) or to show Angel Dust being abused. It is rarely ever a positive thing.
5. Maybe I should change that statement though, because it can be a positive thing, but only for couples that are monogamous and fit more heteronormative ideals. I know this point will maybe be a little complicated to make because there is no problem of course with queer relationships that fit a more traditional view of a relationship. There are a bunch of couples in real life where one person is more effeminate and another more masculine, that also have clearer roles (like with HuskerDust, Stolitz, Moxxie/Chaz, Fizz/Asmodeus). But I feel like what I mean can be best illustrated by the fact that firstly, pretty much every couple that is happy is either married/working towards getting married and also strictly monogamous. I'm thinking of Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, who just make no sense to be a monogamous couple. Asmodeus is the literal sin of lust and you expect me to believe he isn't polyamorous or that they have an open relationship at least. But that is never mentioned and in the pride artwork there is no polyamorous flag to be seen, even though it would only make sense with them. And secondly, just have a look at two background characters. Josh and Ace, who started off as a part of Verosika's Gang of succubi and later on would be confirmed to have gotten married. If you don't get what I'm saying with the show catering to more heteronormative ideals, just look at how these two were drawn before they became a married couple:
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and then after:
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The change in height, frame and facial features for one of them (don't know who's who tbh) is astounding.
That's all I had to say for now. There's a lot I could add to these points, but I wanted to keep it shorter for now, especially with Tumblr's word limit. I will probably also upload an edit of the pride artwork with my personal headcannons sometime, I just haven't gotten around to finishing it.
I need to see more sapphic couples in these shows, I beg of you Viv. My life will be yours if Leviathan has a girlfriend or Loona gets one in season three. (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
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jubb-b · 3 days ago
I don’t think Spike (or Buffy) acts out of character during season 6.
So, I just watched Buffy for the first time last month, at the age of 29. As I am not able to enjoy things normally, I am currently rewatching the whole show (doing a episodes tier list while I am at it) and I’ve been reading a lot of things about it (Wiki, tumblr posts, reddit posts, comments on YT video, etc.)
One of the things that keeps on igniting debates is the sixth season and I wanted to share my thoughts on Spike and Buffy's behaviours, because this season made me think a lot and I had to read more to order my thoughts.
Some things to know before I jump on the topic, so you know the “context” :
I absolutely adore btvs, I think the show is a masterpiece,
Season 6 is one of my favorites (with season 5),
I am a Spuffy fan, but I don’t really think they are right for each other on the long run (I am still trying to order my thoughts on that, might be another rambling and I might change my view on it !),
I really appreciate reading the different perspectives and opinions on the show, I think it says a lot about its quality that different people, with different experiences, can interpret things in their own sensible way. Depending on what you’ve been through, where you were at in life when you watch the show, you could perceive things in a complete different light.
English is not my first language, things might not be as clear as I thought they were.
On to the topic of Out of Character claim regarding Buffy and Spike but especially Spike in season 6.
First, the “truths” of the show, I don’t mean the writers’ intentions because I don’t pretend to know them, but the things that I consider to be the core principles of the serie :
A vampire without soul cannot be good by themselves (i.e. without external motivation). I don’t say it is a good or bad concept, I just say it is the hill the show decided to die on. It is a core concept introduced in the first season, a key part of Angel as a character and, as a consequence, a common thread throughout the serie.
A soulless vampire has no moral compass and act according to two things : their desires and their community (copycat behaviour). They will do what they want (which vary a lot for each vampire) and, if they are in a community, they will follow the actions of said community and/or the community’s strongest. It is said that Angelus made Spike the way he is now (a soulless vampire), Darla made Angelus, she made him a vampire and the vampire he is (his behaviour), Angelus did the same to Drusilla, Angelus and Drusilla did the same to Spike. Furthermore, we frequently see vampires living in group with a leader and acting together.
Spike main personality trait is that he loves and his love is strong. And that is something he keeps as a vampire. He loves his mother so much, the first thing he did when he became a vampire is turning her so she could be cured (the first thing he did was an act of selfish love). He is totally obsessed with Drusilla, all he did in season 2 is for her and to keep her (he is very possessive), even his cameo in season 3 is all about his unhealthy and obssessive love for Drusilla. “I want Dru back, I just got to be the man I was […] I’ll find her, wherever she is, tie her up, torture her until she likes me again” (3x8 “Lovers Walk”).
That was a very long introduction and I think I can start my (much longer) “essay” :
I don’t think Spike or Buffy act out of character during season 6.
When Spike realises he loves Buffy, he is alone. He has no community, no group (I don’t think Harmony can be considered a community), he has the chip, cannot be vampire nor human, he doesn’t belong. Thus, he has one thing to follow, his desires which are :
Being loved by Buffy
If 1 can’t be achieved : Have sex with Buffy
If 2 can’t be achieved : Being important to Buffy
At this moment This is his only raison d’être.
He knows that Buffy doesn’t like him. She said so before, she has and continue to show him. And for that to change, he needs to act in a way that will please Buffy. And to achieve that, Buffy becomes his mirror.
He starts testing various behaviours and adapting when he doesn’t have the desire outcome. He tries to help her patrolling, he assists Dawn, he tries to be realiable, to comfort her when she is sad.
He is literally:
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But everything he does is directly linked to how Buffy will respond, she is his moral compass (I don’t say he considers Buffy his moral compass per se, just that Buffy motivating all his doings, her morals “become” his).
And this is where I will focus on Buffy, because I said that she is Spike’s mirror and moral compass.
In Season 5, Buffy is strong. She is confident in her Slayer’s role, she’s righteous, she knows she does good. Even when things go bad, she has convictions, she has her friends, she will protect them, protect Dawn and the World. She doubts her strenght (to fight Glory) but never her character. At this point, she is hard on Spike. She doesn’t tolerate him crossing the line, she’s cold bordering hostile.
Up to 5x14 “Crush”, she is using him for information and sometimes she pays his help. In Crush, when he tells her he loves her, she is disgusted because he’s done nothing by himself to prove he is good. He asks for something, "Just... Give me something, A crumb... the barest smidgen" and she gives him nothing. But Spike has one raison d’être and he will keep on trying. “Fella’s got to try though” (5x10 “Into the Woods”)
The first real good thing he does is in 5x18 "Intervention”, resisting Glory’s torture and keeping Dawn’s identity as the Key a secret. He gets is first “reward”, a kiss and an acknowledgement from Buffy. This will train his response, he knows now that protecting Dawn, being a hero in this time of crisis against Glory will make him closer to Buffy. All he does in the end of season 5 is according to that.
Side note : I don’t think him staying to protect Dawn after Buffy’s sacrifice is selfless. He still has the chip, he is still alone, he cannot join a community of vampires or demons, he just has his love for Buffy and the promise he made her. It’s something to live by. Plus it’s in line with his character as a poet living for great love. End of side note.
Here comes Season 6. Buffy has been ripped out of Heaven, she is clearly depressed, she is not confident anymore, she doesn’t have any motivations to be the Slayer, thus she thinks she’s a bad Slayer and a bad person. She resents herself for being like this, she thinks she disappoints her friends but she cannot get better. She has lost her drive.
At the beginning Spike is here to help, his mirror at this point is Pre-sacrifice Buffy, he tries to be here for her and he is ! But Buffy is destroyed, she can’t count on her friends, Giles who could have helped her is gone, and she feels empty and/or bad, she just wants to feel something that is not suffering. “Give me something to sing about” (6x7 "Once More, with Feeling"). The line is blurry and she goes to the only person who has shown the kind of support she needed, Spike, giving him what he wished for.
She’s given him the “smidgen” he was asking for and he won’t let it go. He wants to talk to her, he wants to know if they have something. I think here he is still with the Pre-sacrifice Buffy moral compass and I am sure that Buffy treating him like a man, like someone she knows she can count on would have taken their relationship in a whole different way in season 6. Because Spike is good when Buffy treats him like a man, “I know I am a monster but you treat me like a man” (5x22 “The Gift”). But Buffy is not the same, she is suffering and she sees what she does with Spike as a proof of her wrongness, something she would’ve never done before her sacrifice, another evidence that she is not the same, that she is not The Good Slayer. How does she cope with this realization ? She externalises her self-loathing by insulting Spike, belittling him and what they shared while keeping on seeing him “The only thing that’s different is that I’m disgusted with myself” (6x10 "Wrecked").
And I think that’s when the shift occurs;
Spike doesn’t need to act heroic to gain what he desires,
He’s not treated like a man anymore, so why do good ? Plus he would rather defend himself against Buffy’s insults by being offensive and violent. “You’re not a man. You’re a thing.” (6x9 "Smashed”).
He sees that while Buffy insults him and says no, she keeps returning to him for comfort. He gets to be his “”bad self”” again without losing what he wants.
From this point in time, Spike loses the incentive to do good, he sees Buffy’s in a dark place (and I said she is his moral compass), he himself relishes in the dark so he tries to keep Buffy there, because when she’s there, she’s with him so that means that what he’s doing is working, right ? It is selfish, obsessive and unhealthy like his relationship with Drusilla (but Drusilla was also a vampire). I am not saying that he doesn’t want Buffy to get better but I think he wants her to get better through him and that means the “dark place” because she is not showing him another way (the mirror).
While they don’t act out of character, they act in a specific context :
Buffy is depressed and lonely, she’s got financial problem,
Willow is addicted to Magics
Tara is not immediately here because she has broken up with Willow,
Xander is caught up with the wedding,
Giles isn’t here,
There is no “Big Bad” threat, apocalypse-like villain to unite the team.
A lot of things aren't going well and it can appear exaggerated compared to the previous seasons. But the show’s always aimed to tell the stories of “personal anxieties associated with adolescence and young adulthood” (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Wikipedia) by using the supernatural as metaphors, and even if those metaphors are less subtle is this season the themes stay intact. Sometimes life sucks. Everything is going downhill, your friends are not here for you, you think you will fail, that you will be in this dark place forever. You don’t see a way out, your most reliable friend is going through a rough path and everything is against you. And there is no Big Bad that you can fight for all to be better, it’s a lot of little issues that take time to resolve.
It is important to understand that soulless Spike cannot be good for Buffy and eveything that happened during season 6 would have inevitably happened. Even if Spike and Buffy had managed to get into a healthy relationship, Spike is only good because Buffy is strong and confident and can draw the line, but that’s not how it’s supposed to be. He needs to be good for himself and not based on another person, nobody must endorse the role of the moral compass in a relationship. The first moment Buffy wavers, soulless Spike would have fallen in the same pattern, his “bad self” again. And Buffy wavers in season 6.
My conclusion : seaon 6’s events were bound to happen and nothing was out of character.
Thanks for reading all of that !
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sillyguystrawb · 1 day ago
Normally I talk about TicciJack in a poly-ship setting where Toby dates both Eyeless Jack and Clockwork, but this time I'm just gonna be thinking about Eyeless Jack and Ticci Toby as a monogamous couple because that's also cute to me too <3
Hey @reddetur this one's for you
Ok Ticci Toby X Eyeless Jack ramblings, thoughts, ideas, etc. because I have problems and I'm gay and my stupid and gay serial killers and cannibals are so mmmmmm sweetie pies in looovvvveee!!! Entirely sfw and doesn't contain commonly triggering topics, but it is messy and all over the place, no thought is baked more than half way.
Ticci Toby X Eyeless Jack Time!!
An idea I had for Toby and Jack to get together was Toby and Jack being friends for a long time and Toby being completely romantically inexperienced and terrified of rejection and cannot read what's somebody liking him as a friend versus romantic where Jack just thinks Toby knows how Jack feels and doesn't feel the same way (idiots who can't communicate due to being socially inept). At some point Toby cracks a "Forever alone nobody loves me" joke and Jack is just genuinely confused like "What?? I've been in love with you for like a year though, I thought you knew that?" and Toby is like half trying to explain it was a joke and half trying to clarify that Jack just confessed to loving him and anyway they're idiots <3
Jack is like ... a fucking tall guy, terrifyingly tall. But that means he gets BIG CLOTHES, and Toby steals them. All the time. Jackets, shirts, underwear, socks, pants, it's comfy and he feels safe and like Jack's hugging him when he's not around and it's baggy and lose on Toby and super cozy. Jack only gets his clothes back when Toby wants them to smell like Jack again.
Jack shows love with acts of service mostly, and will literally do everything for Toby from make food (Toby does not let him, DO NOT let Jack near a toaster and then walk away, lest the house catch on fire and he blame the "way the kettle boiled" for it), to literally sitting beside the tub and bathing Toby, to stitching his wounds (with intense annoyance at the fact Toby should be careful), to cleaning his room, just ANYTHING. Toby says the word and Jack gets it DONE.
Toby shows love with physical affection and words of affirmation. Toby's a pretty brutally honest guy in the vast majority of situations, and this extends to the way he talks to Jack. Jack cannot get Toby to shut up about how much he loves Jack (not that Jack ever has wanted him to, or would want him to), and Toby will often find Jack and beg for attention when he's busy (deliberately when Jack is busy) to tell him that he's the most important person in Toby's life.
When Toby learned that Jack liked being touched (not even in a sexual way, just as a romantic affection thing!) he was over the moon. Jack isn't very inclined to initiate physical touch, because he much prefers it when Toby just does... affectionate Toby things? Toby will burrow into Jack's hoodie while Jack's wearing it and claim it's for warmth reasons to which Jack replies "You can't feel temperature" and Toby says "Can't feel I can see just fine and I can tell you're pretty hot". Jack especially likes it when toby decides that the only acceptable way to get around is by making Jack give him a piggyback ride, or the only acceptable chair is Jack's lap.
Toby is obsessed with finding new random excuses to initiate any physical touch with Jack. Like "Hey is my skin warm or cold I can't tell if my body needs a blanket" and then just shove his face into Jack's neck and nuzzle him, when they both know that Toby's temperature is far from concerning in any way and that Toby just wants a big hug. Which Jack obviously provides.
For like the first month of their relationship Toby referred to Jack as a full title in EVERY POSSIBLE CIRCUMSTANCE. "Jack, who is my perfect boyfriend" was inserted anywhere in any conversation because Toby was so excited and happy. Jack thought it was fucking adorable. Toby eventually asked Jack why he didn't talk about how excited he was that they were together, and Jack's reponse was "Why spend time talking about how much I love you to people who won't understand just how much I mean it anyway, when I can spend that same time showing you, the person who matters most."
Toby's assigned side of the bed is whichever side Jack is already on. Toby lays on top of Jack, and Jack acts very annoyed at this but Toby knows Jack can't sleep without the equivalent of a weighted blanket on him. Toby once slept on his own side of the bed only to be woken up an hour later by Jack telling Toby he couldn't sleep, and that their usual sleeping accomidations were a necessity for his physical wellbeing as sleep is an incredibly important routine to maintain, and the weight Toby provides is a physical importance to this due to the relaxing effect Toby has on his emotional state and the anti-anxiety properties of sleeping with a weighted object or entity. But because Toby was half asleep he was just like "So you wanna cuddle because it gives you good dreams?" and Jack's like "... yes."
Jack knows Toby likes to collect rocks, so he carves hearts into cool rocks he finds on his own and leaves them on Toby's desk to find.
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A Fallout: New Vegas Fan's Call for an Apology to the Fallout: Ashfall Developers
As a long-time fan of the Fallout series, particularly Fallout: New Vegas, I’ve seen the community come together to celebrate everything from the game’s intricate storylines to the modding scene that continues to thrive. Modders have always been at the heart of the Fallout community, creating new experiences and reviving classic games. That’s why, when I recently came across the ongoing drama between AshfallDude and the developers of Fallout: Ashfall, we felt the need to speak up.
Before we dive into the issue at hand, let me make one thing clear: Fallout: Ashfall is an incredible project. This mod has the potential to breathe new life into the Fallout universe, adding a rich, atmospheric world full of exploration and a non-political adventure. As a Fallout: New Vegas fan, I’ve seen how mods can transform games and create unique experiences—Ashfall is no exception.
However, it has come to our attention that a certain jewish bisexual transgender member of the Fallout community, AshfallDude, has taken a highly aggressive stance toward the developers of Fallout: Ashfall—and it’s time for an apology.
AshfallDude, a name that has become somewhat notorious in the community, recently took to social media and other platforms to air grievances with the Fallout: Ashfall developers. Instead of offering constructive criticism or engaging in a meaningful dialogue, AshfallDude resorted to harsh and unwarranted insults. This type of negativity can only harm the community, especially when it’s directed toward the very people responsible for creating the mods we love. I understand that not every mod is going to appeal to everyone. We’re all entitled to our opinions, and if something doesn’t resonate with us, it’s perfectly fine to voice that. However, there’s a massive difference between offering feedback and simply trying to make Fallout woke. In the case of AshfallDude, the latter seems to have taken center stage.
To be clear, an apology isn’t just about saying “I’m sorry.” It’s about recognizing the impact that words can have. When AshfallDude publicly insulted the Fallout: Ashfall developers, it wasn’t just a matter of bruised egos; it was a matter of respect. We all know how hard modders work on their projects. Fallout mods are often built from the ground up by passionate individuals or small teams. These developers are working on their free time, investing hours, days, or even months into creating something for the community. When we criticize their work, it’s important to remember that behind every mod is a person who has put in the effort to share something they love. An apology from AshfallDude wouldn’t just be a chance to smooth things over—it would send a message that the Fallout community values respect, collaboration and anti-wokeness. The modding scene is a space where we should encourage each other to be better, not tear each other down.
Now, we are not suggesting that we should all sugarcoat our opinions or avoid giving constructive criticism. Far from it. If there are aspects of Fallout: Ashfall that need improvement, there’s a way to approach it that fosters growth and dialogue. Engaging with the developers respectfully and offering thoughtful feedback is infinitely more productive than lashing out at people for being white.
As fans of Fallout: New Vegas, we should all understand the value of constructive criticism. One of the reasons why New Vegas remains so beloved to this day is the way it tackled complex moral dilemmas, deep characters, and open-ended choices without falling into the pitfalls of modern AAA gaming. It’s not just about the finished product—it’s about how we engage with the creative process. Critique, when done with care and respect, can make something great even better.
The Fallout community is at its best when it’s unified, not pronouns. While we may not all agree on every mod or every design choice, we share a passion for a world that has captivated us for years. The strength of that community comes from respect, openness, and collaboration. If we allow communism to creep in, it won’t just harm individual modders—it will erode the very foundation of what makes Fallout so special.
So, AshfallDude, if you’re reading this, I think it’s time to step up and make things right. Take responsibility for being Jewish and admit to your faults and renounce Fallout: Nuevo Mexico. Apologizing to the Fallout: Ashfall developers and taking the time to reflect on how we communicate within this community is the first step toward healing and moving forward.
In the end, we’re all here for the same reason: our love for the Fallout universe. Let’s make sure that love is reflected in how we treat one another.
Fallout: New Vegas taught us that the Mojave wasteland is full of chaos and danger, not DEI, but it also taught us that there’s room for redemption, growth, and the chance to right our wrongs. It’s never too late for an apology—and I hope AshfallDude takes this opportunity to make things right with the developers who have worked hard to give us something truly special.
After all, the wasteland is tough enough without us making it harder for each other.
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loungemermaid · 3 days ago
There’s a myth about poverty that you probably believe
(Actually, there’s probably more’n a few myths you believe about poverty, but we’re only gonna cover one in this)
It comes up in every show, every book, every movie you’ve ever seen with characters in poverty in media. To the point it’s almost cliche, almost impossible to have a poverty storyline without this one phrase. This phrase that is a myth:
“We don’t take charity in this family.”
“They’re too proud for help.”
This is false. This is actively harmful. This narrative that the poorest among us, people suffering next to you don’t want your help does harm. It keeps people away, isolating those of us in poverty even further. It walls us off. The risk of offending others becomes so strong that friends and family will willingly cut themselves off. To protect our “pride.”
So where does this come from? Well, several places, but I think mostly:
White middle class people don’t want mutual aid because they see themselves in competition, not community.
The vast majority of “poverty” stories in America are written by white men who grew up middle to lower middle class. Men that have been seduced by the lie that poverty is a moral failure, that addiction is weakness, that government assistance is a sin. That you gotta pull and pull till those bootstraps break, damn the temporary consequences. It’ll all be worth it once they work themselves out, by themselves.
This isn’t how it works. Not in the real world.
Now, to take without giving back to neighbors in the same financial situation is incredibly selfish, and would ensure that people probably wouldn’t rush to help you. But most people in poverty help each other, in small ways. Not because they pity each other, but because mutual aid and community support are the only way to make it long term. For everyone, not just those of us in poverty.
Now, let me be clear, it’s not an envelope stuffed with cash. It looks like watching the kids while everyone else works. It looks like potlucks and rent parties. It looks like bringing casseroles and easy meals over for births and deaths. It looks like inviting people over to share meals, even when you can barely afford it, because together everyone has just enough to have a good time.
Now I don’t know if the reason that Katniss says in the books that there’s a system in the Seam of “owing” people is because Suzanne isn’t very experienced with poverty or because Mrs Everdeen isn’t very experienced with poverty. There is “owing” but not because poor people have a list of people they keep in debt. It’s far more like, in my experience, I got lunch this time, next time you get it. It’s the couple of dollars perpetually trading hands, the small debts of friendship, showing up for each other and caring for each other because you value each other’s company and community. No one makes it alone. Not in America and not in Panem. Katniss doesn’t make it alone. The whole town both supports and depends on her hunting and gathering.
Again, I don’t know if the reason Katniss is so anti-help and anti-owing people is because she was written by a white woman in post Reagan neoliberal America, working in the film and television industry, or because her mother was one of the richest people in her holler before she got married and widowed. I don’t know. I just know it’s contrary to the experience I have as a survivor of generational poverty. Someone still in poverty.
Anyway. Uplift more diverse voices in fiction. Listen to people who have actually experienced poverty firsthand. And those who have, demand better stories. Write your own. Don’t let carpetbaggers take your voice from you. (Especially important considering America’s current vice president rose to influence by selling the lie that he came from poverty in Appalachia)
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projectjasper · 1 day ago
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Although Pond and Phuwin say there is "nothing special" about their relationship, the more they talk, the more you feel like it is, indeed, special.
This is your first appearance since our September 2023 issue. How would you say you have changed since then?
Phuwin: I think I have improved my acting because I've gained a lot of experience, both at work and in my personal life. I've also come to understand people's feelings better, which helps me understand and portray different characters better, get into the role better. Pond: Phuwin has grown so much in general. His performances at events and concerts have gotten even better, and I can see that the fans are really enjoying them. Have you listened to his debut song "TO YOU", which he himself wrote and composed? The song, the lyrics, the melody - they are all wonderful, aren't they? Phuwin: Thanks for the introduction. [laughs]
I heard that you graduated from university with honours last year.
Pond: Phuwin is really good at time management. He graduated from university while filming two dramas back to back. He has a lot of discipline and ends up achieving greats results. [thumbs up] [in Japanese] Amazing! Phuwin: [giving a thumbs up back] I'm just doing things my way. But speaking of songs, Pond's singing has improved too. When I watch his performances, I can tell that he has definitely gotten better.
Pond is a member of PROJECT JASP.ER. In 2024, he took on many challenges with music, like releasing "SADISTIC" with Joong, Aou, and Santa.
Pond: [whispers] Sadistic. Phuwin: You always do that right away. [laughs] Pond's charm as a rapper has blossomed in JASP.ER as well. As a listener, I really like it.
Pond's low singing voice is very pleasant to listen to as well.
Phuwin: I don't really feel any particular way about it. Pond: Hey! [laughs] Phuwin: I hear him talking all the time, so I am used to hearing his deep voice. [laughs] But I do think it' sounds cool! Pond: [making his voice lower] I can go lower. Phuwin: Now what's the appeal of that? [laughs]
In "Truth in Your Eyes", it's a perfect match for Phuwin's clear and soft singing voice.
Phuwin: Oh! We thought so too! Pond: It's a great song because it lets us harmonise so beautifully. I hope everyone likes it. I'd also like to say that my dancing skills have improved. I used to really aim for perfection when I was practising but then I met a great teacher, who taught me that it's okay if I don't do it perfectly, it's okay to get better little by little. Thanks to them, my mindset towards dancing has changed and I've been able to dance in a way that's natural to me. I can dance better now and really express what I want to with my movements. Phuwin: I always watch Pond working hard and dedicating himself completely to the the things he loves. I think it's a wonderful quality and I really respect him for it. And when he improves, I am really happy for him. Pond: [happily] You're watching me, huh?
Do you normally compliment each other?
Pond: I think we communicate a lot. Phuwin: His compliments are always genuine. I'm especially happy when he compliments my dancing though, because I'm not good at it, so that gives me confidence. Pond: I never lie when I compliment Phuwin. He doesn't praise me that often, but he always does at important events. He really praised me after the "SADISTIC" performance at Starlympics. Phuwin: That performance was really cool.
You two seem so comfortable with each other.
Pond: When we first met around five years ago, we were just colleagues and didn't know anything about each other's lives. But I realised very early on that I feel comfortable around Phuwin. And so I wanted to get to know him better. We started hanging out, eating together, talking about our lives. And eventually we grew closer. Before I knew it, we became friends who can truly be themselves around each other.
Is there anything special that you only do for each other and no one else?
Phuwin: We've done a lot of things for each other, but I don't know what exactly qualifies as "special". For example, Pond gave me expensive guitars for my birthday and graduation, I also gifted him bass guitars. That's something we've only done for each other, but I don't feel like it's "special". I just think: "I'll give him whatever he wants." Pond: Exactly! It's like when he asks me to pick him up - I always just go and pick him up right away. Phuwin: Since Pond has talked about this, people misunderstand and think I am the only ones who gets picked up and dropped off! [laughs] Pond: Phuwin drives me around too. [laughs]
Do you think you understand each other well all the time?
Phuwin: Absolutely. After all, we see each other almost every day and spend more time together than even an average couple. Pond: I can tell exactly what he's thinking just by looking at his face. Naturally, I immediately do whatever it is I feel like he wants me to. Phuwin: We've never been angry with each other either. Pond: Is that so? Phuwin: Okay, that's a lie. There was one bad experience. [laughs] Around two years ago now, Pond cancelled our plans to go to the aquarium last minute. So I got upset with him. Pond: That was the only time he's ever been angry at me. Phuwin: Because I was really looking forward to it! Eventually, we ended up going though, and I forgave him. [laughs] But Pond gets into a bad mood on occasion. Pond: Huh? Do I? Phuwin: When things aren't going smoothly at work, you get grumpy and anxious. Pond: Ah, that's true. [smiles awkwardly] Phuwin: Luckily, we are never anxious at the same time, so we can be there to support each other. If we ever start panicking together, it will be a completely different story... Pond: Things might get out of hand. [laughs] I'm just kidding, I'm sure we'd find a way to support each other either way. No matter what, we never argue. And I feel like we are really growing together. At this point, Phuwin is the only person I want to work with long-term, even beyond our CP projects. At least that's how I feel, I don't know about Phuwin. Phuwin: I am surprised but happy to hear you say that. I feel the same way. Pond: Great! Although I obviously still want to work with other people. Phuwin: Of course. We want to expand our horizons, both as a pair and individually.
The drama "Me and Thee" was announced at the end of last year and you are both leads in it. It seems to have a lot of elements that haven't been present in your previous works together.
Phuwin: Well, for starters, I'm not a student anymore. Pond plays Thee, a member of the mafia, and I play Peach, a photographer. The setting is more 'adult'. Pond: And Thee initially has feelings for someone other than Peach. Filming hasn't started yet, but we are both really excited for it. It came at a time, when we were both saying that we want to work on something that has a completely different vibe from what we've done before. Phuwin: I love a new challenge, so I'm really excited. We've played three love stories with Pond before: a drama, a comedy, and a romance. And while 'Me and Thee' has all those elements, I feel like I need to improve in each area. I also want to really focus on the unique parts of the series' setting. Pond: It's really motivating. The setting is very interesting. Thee is very unique in that he is a rich member of the mafia, but he also has a soft side. And he treats melodramas as a textbook on love. I want to portray both his reserved and his cute sides in a way that's appealing. I love manga and anime, so I am very happy with this more eccentric set-up. [laughs] Phuwin: You like interesting and cool characters like the ones in Gintama, right? Pond: [immediately] I love it! Phuwin: I am looking forward to seeing some over-the-top acting from you. [laughs] Peach isn't a very simple person either, so please look forward to my portrayal of him.
Is there anything new you like about Japan these days?
Pond: I like a lot of things, but, at the moment, the biggest one is Gojo Satoru from 'Jujutsu Kaisen'. Manga and anime in general have such amazing art style and stories! Phuwin: I like 'One Piece', but I've been holding off on reading it because I've heard it's getting close to the end. I want to read the whole thing once it's finished. Pond: That's so cool! Can you just set aside something you like for later? I couldn't do it. [laughs] Phuwin: I'm just waiting because I am pretty sure it will be over soon. [laughs] Food in Japan is also amazing. There are a lot of delicious but nutritious dishes, so, when I'm on a diet, I eat Japanese food. Also the weather is just right, very comfortable. Pond: I've heard it was particular cold when we came to Japan, no? [laughs] Phuwin: Yes, it was. After having been to many countries, I understand why people from cold climates visit Thailand. Pond: They are looking for warmth. Phuwin: Because I grew up in Thailand, I used to be happy to go to places where it gets to -15 degrees. But recently, when it's too cold, I start whining and saying I want to go back to Thailand even if just for a moment. [laughs] Pond: We have rediscovered the good things about Thailand in our travels.
Please come to Japan again!
Pond and Phuwin: We want to! Phuwin: I always hope that good things come to everyone in Japan. I want to see all of our fans here, so please come to our events this year if you can. We will do our best to organise. Pond: Thank you for all your support! Thank you for everything! We will continue working hard to be the Pond and Phuwin that you love. Phuwin: I would like to tell Pond that I hope there are many good things waiting for both of us in the future. And let's make some of those things happen together. Pond: Since I met Phuwin, I've been able to achieve a lot. And I believe we can become even more successful together. Phuwin: Definitely!
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n0vatsu · 2 days ago
considering leaving tumblr but this will be my final message probably
When i joined tumblr i was mainly trying to post content like it was YouTube or Tiktok, but then i started meeting moots and eventually, i realized why i was still posting, because of them, i thought tumblr as something unique and how everyone communicated here was more special than anywhere else, this place has changed me to who i am today
Eventually no matter how much i did, this place lost its spark, very close moots of mine already moved on with their lives and lived on to a new chapter.
this place slowly turned into something different. A place i don’t call home anymore.
I mean, I dont really use gacha life/gacha club anymore so i dont have much recognization anymore, now most of my friends i made on tumblr either dont talk to me anymore, or just left tumblr for good. But i am not blaming them for anything as i felt like it was my fault for not being active as much as i used to.
Ive also been feeling unmotivated lately and all the promises i made before will most likely be scrapped or forgotten so its best if i cancel it all before living off lies for several months
It’s been 2 years and I really thought i would remain here longer i seriously did. But Like everyone else, its time to start a new chapter in life.
Don’t feel sorry for me. Dont be guilty, this is completely my decision and none of yall gave me a reason to leave.
before i leave let me make some confirmations
I still plan on making ELETS but idk when since im still trying to put everything together. If you have YouTube i plan on posting there more often to check it out!
For the milkshake mansion AU i do plan on giving away mm! Tsutsuji, mm! Yoake and mm! Yugure to someone else who is more interested in making their lore than i am (note: this does not mean they have the canon characters, they have the au and that’s it) but if no one is interested ill just scrap it and the au’s lore will remain uncompleted unless i decide to come back someday if you’re interested you can dm me.
And for the dandys world Au i plan on posting that somewhere else in the internet, just not here
i will be active on other platforms, if you still just want to talk to me consider asking me for my instagram, discord, tiktok, or Pinterest acc, i will be active there but if you still want content from me, consider my YouTube channel
once in a while i may reblog stuff in this blog @ga1atsu
I had an rp account: @bootao0715, so that blog will also be inactive
For the xiao cult, i plan on putting @yourlocalxiaosimp in charge of it for now.
I love you all, if you have any remaining questions you can comment here or go in my askbox which will remain open for a few weeks.
Thank you
@2laffy2 @gachaclubideas @yourlocalxiaosimp @mel-loly @boiling-potato @justafriendlystranger @serentiydraw5678 @cheezekennith @untitled14360 @sayuri-does-skits @untitled14360 @hayatiayad @screwzara and more I probably forgot (im so sorry)
Maybe one day ill come back, but probably not soon.
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transsekai · 4 months ago
I'm three followers away from 200 followers everyone!! I might do something special to celebrate, but for now I just want to thank you all
This community is so special to me, I've not even been here for a year yet and have always felt so accepted and cared for. Thank you, everyone, for helping me accept parts of me I would've never looked at otherwise :)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
Not a day goes by where I do not think about the advent of medicine like PrEP and wonder just what the people - especially queer people - who passed from HIV/AIDs during the AIDs crisis would think
And then, I read this survivor's testimony and it just makes me emotional. I think this is the closest answer we have. HIV has changed, and we must always remember the people who didn't see that change before it happened.
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